Finding a group is extremely important in continuing your fourth day. There are many groups in the Central Indinana Cursillo Center that have been in reunion for over 20 years.
Why? It's because those groups have one thing in common: Love for one another. And it's not just the love of joy and celebration, but it's also the love that comes when holding someone accountable to a higher standard.
As you continue your fourth day, please get with your sponsor to find a group for you. They may already have invited you to their group or have pointed you to another group.
Begin, continue, and be nurtured in group reunion. It's one of the important pieces of the "tool kit" that we Cursillista's depend on as we share and grow and live in God's presence as authentic Catholics.
For those that have moved to Central Indiana and are looking for a group, contact your Parish Representative to see if there is a group that you can join.
Group Reunion opens and closes with prayer. The Group Reunion card (link to a card)is the guide to a successful Group Reunion.
Each item in Piety, Study and Action should be taken separately. Unless the items are taken one at a time, the reunion will become mechanical. By following the Rule of Life one should grow in depth of spirituality.
Characteristics Of A Group
Three to five people is ideal. A group works best when it is made up of people who are already friends, or who want to be friends.
Weekly group reunion assures continuity and steady progress in Christian growth. First, there is personal growth, which is discovering who you are - your unique gifts, strengths and weaknesses, your spiritual and intellectual formation into a whole per-son. Second, there is group building, becoming members of a team. A group does not be-come a group just by sitting down together to talk. It takes time and it takes caring, sharing, forgiving and affirming. Third, there is individual and collective action.
Meeting and sharing is of great importance to each member in fulfilling his or her vocation. Essential to living the group reunion is the desire to be a saint and an apostle. Saints are people who know God's love and grace, and who live their lives from this relationship. Apostles are saints who have a mission to share that same knowledge with others.
Each member seeks to build authentic relationships by being open and honest. It is important that each person does some history giving. This means giving each person a chance to share personal concerns, fears, significant events, places and people in his or her life, as well as present hurts and joys. Affirmation grows out of history giving, where the members respond as a community of love, trust and acceptance to the particular needs that are brought out in the sharing.
Whatever is shared in the group must be kept in confidence.
No one in the group is the leader; each person contributes and takes responsibility for the life of the group.