Eduardo Bonnín was a meticulous record keeper, keeping copies of his correspondence, meetings, conversations, rollos, articles,both his own and those he received. On his travels outside of Mallorca, he quickly realized that the Charism that he had received was being lost to adaptations, additions, deletions and due to a lack of understanding of the mentality and method that flows from the Charism. He began to travel frequently to all five continents, even taking Cursillo to Africa some years ago. The Mallorcan leadership assisted his efforts and beginning in 1994, held meetings of the Cursillistas from around the world who were genuinely interested in understanding and therefore living the authentic Cursillo; what has become known as living the Foundational Charism.
These meetings were named after Cala Figuera, the small fishing village in which the very first Cursillo was held in a small and simple seaside chalet. They named these gatherings the Conversations of Cala Figuera and since 1994, there have been four. Describing these
gatherings as Conversations is profoundly important. The rollos were presented by Eduardo and other Mallorcan leaders well versed in the Charism and its mentality. Some of the rollos were given by leaders from around the world. Cursillistas who attended the First Conversations of Cala Figuera were told that they had been called to Mallorca to converse with each other. Francisco Forteza, the facilitator told the participants:
“We want, in these Conversations to do what their name indicates: to converse. I believe that means to pour together into a common interior bowl what each one of us really is, sharing their truth and their life. It is important that we reach that place, to converse, to empty ourselves, to share in common all that each one has inside. Therefore, to converse is not to teach but neither is it to hide our talents. Nobody, I believe, can come to these Conversations with the notion that he or she possesses the truth, coming to us to teach the others. I believe that we all have discovered the enthusiasm of being Christian and, therefore, we can contribute many things. But here our mission is not teaching, of being teachers, but neither is it the opposite, hiding the talents that the Lord has desired to give to each one of us, and therefore we must not have a complex of being shy, not wanting to contribute. Those who have a teacher’s complex, it will be removed because there is only one Teacher, and the Lord will also remove any complex of shyness or inferiority because we are all the same and, thanks to God, we are also all different. And, we want to converse on topics that are in the Foundational Charism of the Cursillo, for that reason the Conversations are called ‘of Cala Figuera’, remembering that first Cursillo of all, and they take place exactly on the fiftieth anniversary of that event.”
As Eduardo approached his 90th year, he began to compile his thinking and his work into one document which he called his Spiritual Testament. This is Eduardo’s Last Will and Testament. In its opening pages he says:
“I sincerely believe that one of the greatest assets that I possess is the knowledge of what the real Cursillos in Christianity consist of, as well as the Movement engendered by them. And I know by proven experience that when each piece that makes it up: Precursillo, Three Day Weekend and Postcursillo fulfils its purpose, it responds with clockwork precision to its aim, which is nothing else but to try to have the Good News of the Gospel reach as many people as possible, and preferably those furthest away (“The far away”).”
“As I already mentioned, the knowledge of the “Cursillos in Christianity Movement” is the
most important property that I own. At the time of making my will I think that the best thing I can pass on to those who come after me is to leave in writing and in detail what this Movement consists of, what its purpose is, and what are the aims to be achieved by the Movement.”
“The reason (or raison d’être) for this warning to seafarers - so that they may be faithful to the goal that Cursillo is after and for which they were devised, designed, prayed for and
structured - is that it has been proven that from its inception in 1944, more than a few times -I wish to believe with good intention - they have been skimmed, deactivated, abducted or nipped in the bud of their nature and effectiveness, undoubtedly by people of goodwill and perhaps even believing that in so doing they were making a gift to God and to Cursillo.”
“However, there are serious reasons to believe that many interpretations, changes,
restructuring, updates and reductions have been made with the desire to use the Cursillo. At times this has even been done with the aim of taking their cut, with a wish for being in the limelight of something they assume can help them to excel in the pious market which is normally so lacking in originality and creativity.”
For the past 2 years, the US Cursillo, with the assistance of the Mallorca leadership, has been reviewing the Step by Step Rector’s Guide in preparation to introduce it in the Movement. The Step by Step Rector’s Guide consists of the Schedule of the Three Days and 16 Appendices that clarify and deepen understanding of all that is pertinent to the Three Day Cursillo. The National Secretariat (Regional Coordinators) will provide workshops on implementing the Step by Step during the 2019 Spring Regional Encounters. Once these workshops are complete, the Diocesan Secretariats will also provide the same workshop for the Diocesan Movement.
The Step by Step Rector’s Guide with the Appendices was to have been included in Eduardo’s Spiritual Testament. In his Spiritual Testament, he says:
“Assuming all this, I will detail in a separate document, Step by Step, what the Cursillo in
Christianity is and what it consists of (Appendices).”
Unfortunately, Eduardo passed away before this project came to completion. The Mallorcan leadership made the decision not to delay printing My Spiritual Testament and thus it was printed without the Step by Step documents that pertain to the Three Day Weekend. This will be remedied in future printings of Eduardo’s Spiritual Testament.
The US Cursillo is making an attempt to fulfill the mandate to which we have been called by the Pontifical Council for the Laity, “know your Charism by studying the thinking and writings of your Founder”, (the words of Saint John Paul II in an address to the Ecclesial Movements).
It is to be expected that some movements are resistant to what they perceive as changes to what they know and love. The contents of the Step by Step Rector’s Guide are not changes, they are what has always been the Mentality, Essence, Purpose, and Method of Cursillo for which Eduardo Bonnín prayed, studied, worked, and prayed again. It is his life’s work, his legacy.
“The rightful heir of Eduardo Bonnín’s Spiritual Testament [legacy] is whomever expresses
their enthusiastic ‘yes’ to the invitation of the model that the Cursillos propose.”
The process has begun to have Eduardo beatified, part of the procedure for being eventuallydeclared a saint. When this happens, the hierarchy compose an official prayer to be used when seeking the intercession of the saint in question, Eduardo Bonnín, intercede for us. These prayers cards are available through the Bookstore on the National Cursillo website. Many Cursillistas across the world are excited and happy that Eduardo has been accepted into this process. Our own Founder, the humble man from Mallorca, who received the Charism of Cursillo in the early 1940’s and who gave his entire life to its goals, is in the process of becoming a saint! If we are excited and happy about this fact, enough to celebrate and pray for it to become a reality, then we should be absolutely delighted that he has left his legacy to us.
As he said in his Spiritual Testament:
“I sincerely believe that one of the greatest assets that I possess is the knowledge of what the real Cursillos in Christianity consist of, as well as the Movement engendered by them.”
In our personal lives, when somebody we know, admire and love, dies, if they love us enough to leave some part of their legacy to us in their last will and testament, we are humbled, honored and grateful. The gift left to us is cherished, valued, and takes a special place in our home or is carefully invested so as to preserve this precious gift. It becomes a family heirloom, a treasure, to be carefully guarded and passed down from generation to generation.
The Step by Step Rector’s Guide is part of Eduardo’s legacy to us, his Spiritual Testament, his Will: it is the best thing he owned which he could leave to us.
Let us treasure his legacy, the Charism of Cursillo, which he has entrusted to our care. Let us preserve the purity of the Charism. Let us be the keepers of the flame of Cursillo in honor of Eduardo, but first and foremost, let us be grateful participants in the gift that the Holy Spirit has given to us through Eduardo Bonnín.
Let us all cherish what Eduardo left us, let us continue the work that he began through the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and let us honor his memory by listening to his words, being guided by his wisdom and following in his footsteps.
Let us recognize the one Founder, let us treasure the Foundational Charism and let us read thesigns of the times in light of the Charism!
Saint Paul, Patron of Cursillo, pray for us!
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, pray for us!
Eduardo Bonnín, intercede for us!
God Loves Us!