The School of Leaders is the essential piece of the continuation and development of the Cursillo Movement. It is the appropriate environment where the Charism of the Movement can be embraced, studied and promoted, in order to live and preserve its method, essence and purpose. (excerpt from “Operational Structures of Cursillo School of Leaders and Secretariat”, National Cursillo Encounter 2013)
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The Central Indiana Cursillo Center (CICC) School of Leaders is here to help you continue your Cursillo weekend so you can keep growing in your knowledge of the love of Jesus and learn how the Cursillo movement works in the world.
The School of Leaders offers a joyful and educational community experience where all can play a part in the success of Cursillo in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and the Diocese of Lafayette (known collectively as “CICC”) . It is a place to take part in building God's Kingdom in many ways:
To promote and assure the authenticity and integrity (Charism) of the Cursillo Movement in its three phases - Pre-Cursillo, Cursillo, and Post-Cursillo.
To help facilitate and enhance the process of welcoming and inviting new members (Pre-Cursillo), providing an effective and authentic 3-day encounter experience (Cursillo), and sustain and stimulate the Cursillo community with joyful and enriching 4th-day experiences (Post-Cursillo).
To stimulate and activate servants to Cursillo by offering a wide variety of participation levels of service in all the areas of CICC without obligating or committing them to any specific activity.
To unify an active 4th-day community that provides ongoing input and feedback on the effectiveness of CICC in its mission of building the kingdom of God.
CICC School of Leaders Committee:
Jennifer Burger
John Ameis
Patrick Mitchell
Peter Santerre
Carla Stornetta
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