Welcome to our Team Sign-up Page – thank you for your interest in serving in our Cursillo Movement here in Central Indiana!
In an effort to make the sign-up sheet method more effective, we have implemented an online team sign-up sheet.
Please carefully and prayerfully read the following information before completing the fields below and submitting:
Those who serve in the Cursillo Movement are considered “Cursillo Leaders” (as opposed to Leaders in our environments – to which we are all called as Cursillistas) and it involves much more than being on a Cursillo team…”Cursillo Leaders are involved in ALL THE PHASES of the movement – Precursillo, 3-day Cursillo as well as the Postcursillo” (Leaders Manual p.45)…vital to this end is that those being considered to serve on a weekend must be active in his/her 4th day through Group Reunion and Ultreya and ideally who understand the Cursillo Movement itself.
Those who serve on Cursillo weekend teams are considered Cursillo Leaders.
How this online process will work:
Team selection is a process that involves the discernment by Rector/a as well as discernment by and input from Secretariat/School of Leaders using the general criteria above as guidelines.
The questions below are designed to capture as much of the objective criteria as possible but are not inclusive of all criteria
Submitting the form below does NOT guarantee selection to serve on a Cursillo Weekend team. You will be contacted directly by Rector/Rectora if discerned to be invited.
All responses received from these submittals are collected, compiled and maintained by the CICC Secretariat/School of Leaders and shared with future Rectors/Rectoras as they begin the team selection process.
Information will be maintained and shared for up to 1 year and will be updated after each set of Cursillo weekends – you may submit as often as you feel is appropriate.