The Cursillo movement is meant to be a means of renewing and revitalizing the Church. It seeks this renewal by taking Christians who are potential leaders into a 3-day “Course in Christianity,” which impresses the leaders with the need for a closer relationship with god through a life of piety, study, action, and leadership in his/her environment. A plan for achieving this is presented on the weekend. Essential to the plan for continued growth toward God is contact with Christ and with other committed Christians for sharing and mutual support.
The key role in the movement is that of SPONSOR. Being a sponsor is committing oneself to establish friendships through personal contact. This is an absolute necessity. The only way a sponsor can interest potential candidate to experience Cursillo is through a personal witness of living a conscious and ever-growing life of Grace. The sponsor must be willing to accompany the friend/candidate/new Cursillista in all phases of the Cursillo: in the Precursillo by showing his/her Christian love and concern for the candidate through authentic friendship; in the 3-day Cursillo by offering Palanca; and in the Postcursillo in helping the new Cursillista navigate his/her transition into a new life in the days immediately follow and into their 4th day. If sponsors fail in any of these areas, the whole Cursillo movement loses its vitality.
It is assumed out of necessity then, that the Sponsor is active in his/her 4th day – living a life of Grace by means of the Cursillo method. (NOTE: It is recommended that the sponsor has been a Cursillista for at least six (6) months before sponsoring a candidate to attend a Weekend. You can ask an experienced Cursillista to co-sponsor with you.)
Let us consider the areas of sponsor involvement more thoroughly…
The Sponsor’s Attitude
Sponsorship must be viewed as a total commitment, not just a partial act of selection. Sponsorship means to help someone grow through the Cursillo experience. Essentially the attitude of a sponsor should be: